Editorial Board

The editor-in-chief:
Prof. Dato’ Gs. Dr. Narimah Samat

Associate Editors:
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Sharifah Rohayah Sheikh Dawood
Assoc Prof. Dr. Tan Mou Leong.

Editorial Board Members
Emeritus Prof. Dato’ Dr. Morshidi Sirat (USM, Malaysia)
Prof. Dr. Chan Ngai Weng (USM, Malaysia)
Prof. Dr. Hewage (Ruhuna University, Sri Lanka)
Prof. Dr. Nurul Islam (Jahangir University, Bangladesh)
Prof. Dr. Hsiang-te Kung (Memphis University, USA)
Prof. Dr. Masazumi Ao (Yokohama City University, Japan)
Prof. Dr. Jun Xia (Wuhan University, China)
Prof. Dr Sri Maryati (Institut Teknologi Bandung, Indonesia)
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Paul Jones (University of Sydney, Australia)
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Xiaoying Yang (Fudan University, China)


Submitted manuscripts will first be scrutinized by the associated editors to ensure subject and general contents are relevant and conform to the aims and scope of the journal including originality and novelty of findings. The manuscript shall be rejected immediately if it does not fulfil the requirements. The associated editor will assign one of the editorial board members to handle the review process of the article. The handling editor will send a review request based on the expertise, conflict of interest and availability. Comments from at least two reviewers are essential for the handling editor to make the first decision of acceptance, minor revision, major revision or rejection. The corresponding author will be requested to revise and rebut every comment before resubmission. The handling editor shall return the replied document and revised article to the same reviewers. After receiving the feedback from the reviewers, the handling editors will propose a decision to the editor-in-chief whom is responsible for the final decision of acceptance or rejection of the manuscript. If accepted, the manuscript will be sent back to the corresponding author for a final proofread procedure. Finally, the final manuscript will be published in digital format and store in the GeoInformatic Unit’s webpage. Editor(s) are not allowed to be involved in handling the manuscripts that are written by themselves.