
Journal of Asian Geography will provide a multi-disciplinary perspective on addressing matters of societal and environmental consequences. Content of the proposed journal shall address current and relevant issues at national, regional and global context. Research articles accepted and published should relate to urban and regional development and coastal-marine environment which includes themes such as climate change & environmental issues, economic restructuring, production and consumption, entrepreneurship, transportation, urban sociology, rural futures and agriculture, biogeography, spatial inequality, socio-cultural development, cities and communities, health and political issues, etc. It welcomes diverse approaches of methodologies and philosophies and engages a broad range of readership across academic, education, policy and the general communities.

It will provide a platform for sharing and disseminating knowledge and thoughts in which geographers can provide an informed opinions on current public debates. It will also allow academics and the general public to be up to date on current debates and issues relating to the region and globally. In this challenging era particularly, it can provide an avenue for academic and public debates relating to issues of globalisation and the socio-economic and physical environment, including issues on health and pandemics, socio-cultural and economic challenges faced by communities, government, and regions in order to move forward in achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Both policy and theoretical implications of topics and the focus on urban and regional development from the domestic and international contexts would be appropriate in bringing together concerning issues of the current era.

Journal of Asian Geography aims to publish two issues per year (March and September) with 10 ~ 20 articles per issue. Articles will be published digitally and stored on the GeoInformatic Unit’s webpage. Editor(s) are not allowed to be involved in handling any manuscripts that are authored or co-authored by themselves. Manuscripts for the Journal of Asian Geography should be submitted to the journal’s official email (to be applied under USM) by the corresponding author in the initial phase of the journal establishment. The journal will be handed to Penerbit USM with the ScholarOne submission system once it is successfully indexed under Scopus.

An editor will be assigned to handle the manuscript, where suitable manuscripts will be sent out to at least two reviewers to evaluate the quality of the manuscripts. The journal will operate through a single-blinded review process. The reviewers will be required to fill up an assessment form (refer to the instruction for an author) and submit it to the assigned editor. If revisions are required, corresponding authors are required to respond accordingly to the reviewers by professionally addressing all comments. The assigned editor will then make a suggestion to the Editor-in-Chief based on the comments, responses and manuscripts. Final decisions will be made by the Editor-in-Chief. All authors are responsible for all statements in manuscripts, including changes made by editors.